Friday, 25 September 2009

Lecture Notes Chapter 17

The aftermath of the storm.


  1. AHHHHHH That’s an image, little Seths and Binclairs running around lol or would it be little Bevins and Keths? While it's nice that old Sinclair is back and spanking better than before, I still like how much deeper into his real personality you've shown. It looks like Beth and Sinclair may really have a future together, whips, canes and all. I love the new chapter and as always I look forward to more.

  2. This isn't exactly a review, as such, I just have questions that I hope someone can answer.

    I was glad to see that Sinclair will allow Beth to complete her education! That being said, I have to ask that he will allow her to do what she wants outside the bedroom, INSIDE the bedroom is a completely different story.

    She told him that she doesn't like to shave her pubic area, but he enforces his will on her anyway, even though it is her body and it is her right to do what she wants with it.

    Also, does he not realize that he hurts her when he straps her? Is he that insensitive to her plight or does he just not care?? I grinned when he made the ouchy noise as he was putting on the condom. Just once, I'd like to see him see how much getting caned/strapped hurts!

    I guess what bothers me the most is that Beth is afraid to speak out against what Sinclair demands of her in the bedroom for fear that he will leave her. Even though it hasn't happened yet, I have no doubt that he will get his way in having anal sex with her. Even if she hates it, she will meekly succumb to his demand no matter how much it hurts. In an earlier chapter, he stated that he will get it no matter what. It seems that outside the bedroom, he sees her as an equal but inside the bedroom, he is the master and to hell with what she wants.

    I just don't this kind of relationship, could someone clarify my confusion?


  3. I don't know if I can help with the confusion, but there are loads- literally thousands, perhaps millions- of women out there who enjoy reading about women who though strong and independent in many ways outside the bedroom, before to succumb to something...a bit unorthodox and confusing to some inside the bedroom. They may appear to "hate" something that they're being "forced" to do, but it's the old tension between what a submissive wants, and what they need. Personally, I've felt that much of Justine's story is about that tension- and I enjoy it because of that.

    Is that what you're asking about? Because I feel that Justine has depicted this relationship much more believably and interestingly than most, and found it compelling and sexy even though my preference is for male sub/female...not so sub.

  4. sometimes when one is in control of their public life they need a place that is safe to let go and have someone take care of them...when that kind of person enters this kind of relationship they acknoledge that sometimes they may not agree with the ideas of the dominant, but they are willing to try because they want to be cared for...they want to let a dom lead them down the path and they know that if they dont make it that the dom will pick them up again...

  5. Dear Charlotte, I guess I just have a problem with Sinclair forcing his demands on Beth. She told him she doesn't like to shave her pubic area but he doesn't care. All he cares about is satisfying his needs. He seems to get what he wants, no matter what. Yes, he does give Beth mind-blowing sex but I'm not referring to that.

    As for the spanking, there doesn't seem to be any negotiation whatsoever. Beth gets caned however many times Sinclair wants, she doesn't have a say in the matter whatsoever. And she knows that if she protests or tries to prevent him, he will only increase the number of lashes she gets. It isn't fair nor is it considerate or nice. I know that it is part of the bdsm relationship that they share but still...

    You're right though, Beth should be a little less submissive, she should stand up for herself and tell Sinclair, "No, I'm not going to shave anymore and that's that." But she never will, I'm afraid.


  6. Another phrase for this kind of relationship is 'Power Exchange' - the submissive willingly consents to relinquishment of power in whichever arena suits him/her. Often it is the bedroom only; occasionally there is a '24/7' dynamic. Now, while I love to write fiction about this, I'm not sure I'm the best person to explain it, Wikipedia-style, so at this point I'm going to link you to their entry for BDSM - there are many links to pursue if anything is still unclear: Beth WANTS to be submissive. It makes her happy. If it wouldn't make you happy, then of course that's hard to process, but, believe me, you need have no concerns for her.

  7. Oh, also, with re. to the corporal punishment, Beth would have a safeword. Actually, I should have included a scene where they agree on that (not sure I remembered to do it).

  8. There's so much more of a personal feel to their relationship now. And Beth seems to have accepted her submissive role for herself, and embraces it.

    In other stories about submission I've read, there's usually a safe word, but heck I'm not complaining.
    It doesn't look as if Beth is either. There's love and understanding there now. No relationship can survive without those.
