Tuesday, 2 February 2010

Are You a Statesperson?

By which I mean, do you reside in the USA, or do you have a mailing address in that fair territory? If so, and you are happy to provide a review on Amazon.com in return for a free forthcoming anthology of D/s (M/f) stories, email me at JustineElyot@gmail.com and I'll sort it out for you.

Good news about On Demand is that it was most favourably reviewed at the Erotica Readers and Writers Association by Ashley Lister who describes it as 'relentlessly rude and continually cheerful' (has he met me??) and 'compelling erotic fiction'. Full review right here.

Less good news about On Demand is that I still have no idea when, if ever, it will be properly available at amazon.com. And I have nobody to ask either.


  1. Well, damn it. I want one. That is very poopy. But great news about the review. *mwah*

  2. Congrats on the awesome ERWA review!

    I am a Statesperson who will soon be reviewing On Demand for Amazon (I've just begun reading—the first chapter was utterly delightful, and I'm sure that's par for the entire course!).

    Tip for other Statespersons: Try Book Depository to import erotica without paying a shipping charge.
