Wednesday, 1 July 2009

Lecture Notes Chapter 5

The last chapter ended on a cliffhanger and this one will be no different - I am, after all, a member of the EastEnders generation and I honour my soap conventions faithfully.

But I guarantee you there will be ACTUAL SEX in the next chapter.

For now...just let the tension ratchet up a little higher...


  1. OH Now she's in for it lol Some people never learn and must recieve deliscious lessons lol Great Chap

  2. Eek!, another cliffy...please, please update soon!...i have got to know what his reaction is :)

  3. I read this story when it was in Aff a long time ago, & i loooved it! Im so glad you decided to repost :)

  4. Ohhh, things just got interesting. :)

  5. Yeahhh, we're getting to the really good stuff now!! :D

  6. delicious! reading this story is like eating red velvet cake! Orgasmic! keep up the good work!
